The first thing to require is transparency. Require the partner to provide you with a line-itemed Statements of Work for projects that requires pre-approval for all work and detailed reports that show all time entries that outline the date the work is completed, who completed the work and descriptions on all completed work. Require that the partner provide confirmation that they are using onshore resources or transparency and your approval if they are using offshore resources. Information Security is a growing concern for companies in the United States and as a result, it is recommended to use companies with only onshore resources that can provided your company with a Certificate of Insurance (COI) with your company listed as insured.
To follow transparency requirements outlined above, CloudBlazer provides all customers with an Implementation Plan, a line-itemed project budget that is co-authored between you, as the client, and a detailed & line-item Statement of Work (SOW) for projects. The CloudBlazer Managed Services application that lives in your instance of Salesforce provides transparency and control on all work requested and the status of fulfillment at all times. CloudBlazer provides all customers with a monthly Utilization Report that outlines the date of any work completed, who completed the work and detailed descriptions for all work completed.